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Addressing Negative Comments ¦ 2022 Best answer

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Addressing Negative Comments ¦ 2022 Best answer Addressing Negative Comments. Every brand finds itself on the receiving end of a negative comment at some point. Smart businesses view these difficult moments as opportunities to turn the situation around and achieve a positive outcome. Addressing Negative Comments Every brand finds itself on the receiving end of a negative comment at some point. Smart businesses view these difficult moments as opportunities to turn the situation around and achieve a positive outcome. If you can address the negative post in a way that satisfies the commenter, they may delete the negative comment or even become an advocate for your brand. STEP 1 – Find an Example Find an example of a negative online mention for your brand (or a different brand, if none is available for your own). Screenshot the negative comment or copy the text of the comment to share in your discussion post. STEP 2 – Read and Research Read the following articles on why (and how) brands should respond to negative comments online. How to deal with negative comments on social media by Hubspot 5 Steps for Dealing with Social Media Negativity by Buffer A brand’s guide to dealing with negative comments online by Flagship Social STEP 3 – Engage the Discussion Board Discussion Prompts: Provide an example of a negative social media comment from your company or a competitor, include the Tweet, Blog post, Facebook comment etc. How would you respond? What exactly would you say to a disheartened customer? How quickly would you respond? At what point will you try to move the conversation offline, and how? Will you delete the original comment or let it stand? Why? If you elect to delete it, will you post anything to explain your decision on the site where the post was made, or communicate directly with the commenter? Explain your choice. Initial Post Instructions Your initial post… Must be posted by Wednesday at 11:59 pm ET of this week OR by 11:59 pm ET on the due date listed in the Welcome activity (if a holiday affects due dates). If there are no university holidays this month, then the due date is set for Wednesday as stated above. Must fully answer the prompts provided in the previous section. Must incorporate quality research through podcast and online references. Quality research means that your thoughts, ideas, and opinions are backed by credible sources and offer further information on the topic at hand. Must be substantiative in nature with at least two paragraphs in length consisting of at least eight substantiative, complete sentences per paragraph. Must contain at least three (3) reliable online references. Please note, you must use APA formatted in-text citation, include a clickable link to an active page (hyperlink), and include a reference section with full APA references. Please intersperse these references within your post and put the link behind the word or phrase to which it refers. Attachments Click Here To Download


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