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Basic english assignment | English homework help

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Basic english assignment | English homework help  Learning Objectives:  Compose, define, describe and organize elements of a narrative.In preparation for your Narrative Essay (due Week Two), you will begin the writing process by exploring an idea (pre-writing), focusing the idea on a single event, creating an outline, and drafting the introduction paragraph.  Recommended reading pages  83 -84  in Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings.Complete all three tasks Read pp,331 – 339  and choose one of the following pre-writing activities: Free writing, Listing, Clustering, Cubing or Questioning. If you choose to handwrite your activity, take a photograph with your phone and attach it along with your submission. Create an Outline (Follow graphic below) It should be one sentence for each step. Compose an introductory paragraph and highlight or underline the main idea Outline Graphic Guide Choose one of the following topics: What personal goal or achievement are you most proud of?  Share the story of the moment you reached that goal. What one event brought you closer to your family?  Describe that day. Was there an event in your life where you made a mistake or misjudged a situation?  Describe how the event occurred and what you learned from it.  You may also choose one of the topics on pages 84 – 85 in the Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings. Background:A narrative should share a larger lesson with the audience beyond simply retelling an event.  A strong narrative focuses on a single event or conflict and builds from introduction to body to a resolution.  Descriptive language brings the reader into the experience; consider carefully how you describe each scene.  Show—don’t tell.  Telling informs the reader by stating facts. “She was angry.”  Show describes a scene. “She grabbed the wilted flowers and threw them in his face.” Telling repeats a list or series of actions, often without stopping to describe what happened. Showing shares concrete sensory details to capture the scene in which the event takes place.To submit your assignment, click on the title  Week 1 Assignment: Narrative Outline and Worksheet. 


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