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Due 4/27/15 9:00pm central time   Week 4 Assignment Worksheet   Psychodynamic Theories   Complete the following table.   Theorists Main tenets of theory Unique contributions Limitations Freud               Jung               Adler               Horney                 Defense Mechanisms   Match the example with the appropriate defense mechanism.   1.     _____A woman is involved in a car accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down, but she cannot remember any details of the accident. 2.     _____Taking a test makes me nervous, so I bite my nails. 3.     _____My boss yelled at me at work today and it made me very upset. I went home and ended up yelling at my spouse that night. 4.     _____Even though I drink alcohol every day, I am not an alcoholic. 5.     _____I hate Alex, but I am overly nice and friendly when interacting with him at work. 6.     _____I broke up with my boyfriend, but I am fine with it because he was a loser anyway. 7.     _____I am convinced that my husband is cheating on me, even though I am the one who frequently thinks about cheating on him. 8.     _____I am very frustrated at work and just want to scream, but instead I go to the gym and work out my frustration on the treadmill.         Displacement Rationalization Repression Sublimation Projection Denial Regression Reaction Formation       Psychosexual Stages of Development       Fill in the appropriate psychosexual stage for the following descriptions.       The ______ stage focuses on mature sexual relationships. A 3rd grader still sucks their thumb. They may have a(n) _______ fixation. An adult who exhibits a lack of self-discipline and messiness may have struggled with toilet training. This person may have experienced difficulty in the ________ stage. A child tends to prefer the parent of the opposite sex and views the same-sex parent as a threat. This conflict occurs in the _______ stage Children tend to focus on peer relationships with same-sex friends and other nonsexual activities. This behavior occurs in the _______ stage.       Stress and Coping       Consider the following scenario:       You have unexpectedly lost your job due to layoffs at your company. You are the sole provider of income for your family. You are worried about how you will pay your bills and support your family during this time.       Write 150 to 200 words describing how stress can affect you physically and mentally, and which coping strategies you may use to work through this situation.          


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