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Reading and answer questions | Reading homework help

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Reading and answer questions | Reading homework help Please review the following exercises and answer the following questions.   1. Alan Greenspan Speech.   Please review Alan Greenspan’s 1999 Harvard Commencement Address, and answer the following question.   Do you think Greenspan is being realistic or naive about the possibility of business ethics?   Important: You should consider Greenspan’s argument on the “value added” of honesty and integrity.  What does Greenspan mean when saying that companies add it their balance sheets?   You are not obligated to agree with Mr. Greenspan, but you are expected to consider his point of view, state a clear opinion, and support that opinion with convincing arguments. 2. In-depth Assignment – Please choose one of the following assignments:   Option A.  The Death of Ivan Ilyich, by Leo Tolstoy   This short book is available at most libraries and bookstores, but you can also read the online version at  After reading the novel, please answer the following questions:   2a.  Why did Ivan conclude his life “was not the real thing”?  Consider Ivan’s interests, values, aims, and his relationships with his family.   2b. What does Tolstoy have to say about the attractions of materialism?  Give an example from Ivan’s life.   Option B.  Shattered Glass Film   This film is available on Netflix, Amazon (where it can be purchased cheaply or rented via Amazon instant video), and likely at your local library, as well as other online movie providers.  After watching the film, please answer the following questions.   2a. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being excellent), how do you rate the film? Explain your answer.   2b. In what ways were Stephen Glass (as depicted in the film) a “flawed person?” How could he have corrected or compensated for those flaws? 3. Assignment by Course of Study – Please select and complete the assignment that is closest to your course of study.  If your course of study does not directly relate to one of the following options, please select the one that interests you the most.   Option A. Google’s Code of Conduct – for Engineering, Computer Science, IT, or other technical majors   Read Google’s Code of Conduct and answer the following questions:   3a. What are your general impressions of Google’s Code of Conduct? Why does Google have such a code?   3b. What do you think of Google’s main message: “Don’t be evil”?   3c. Pick one section (I.)-(VII.) of the code that interests you and review it in more detail. What do you like about this section? What could be improved?   Option B. Templeton Foundation – for Business and Economics majors   Watch any 3 videos or read any 3 essays from the Templeton Foundation’s “Does the free market corrode moral character” and answer the following questions.   3a. Which videos or readings did you select?  Why?   3b.  In your opinion, does the free market corrode moral character?  Please explain your answer and refer to your chosen videos or readings.   3c. Are there any values or virtues necessary for free economies to flourish?  If so, what are they and how can they be fostered?   Option C. On Being Happy, Healthy, and Ethical – for Pre-law   Read “On Being a Happy, Healthy, and Ethical Member of an Unhappy, Unhealthy, and Unethical Profession” from the Vanderbilt Law Review and answer the following questions.   3a.  What are Schiltz’s main findings about the health and reported happiness of lawyers? What are the major causes? Be specific   3b. Please read Section III.C. on pages 915-920 and comment on the following quotation. Do you find it convincing?  Why or why not?     . “That is why, no matter which big firm you join, there is a good chance that working at the firm will make you unhealthy, an even better chance that it will make you unhappy, and an almost 100% chance that it will make you unethical…” (p. 920)   3c. Can a lawyer be successful and ethical at the same time? What steps will you take to achieve this in your career?   Option D. AMA Code of Ethics – for Science and Pre-medicine   Read the AMA Code of Medical Ethics and answer the following questions.   3a. Why do you think the AMA publishes this Code? Why not teach medical ethics simply through word of mouth?   3b. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Code?   3c. Do you have any suggestions to improve the Code? Please suggest at least one specific change or addition.         4. Assignment by Interest –


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