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Xml authoring assignment 6 | Computer Science homework help Teacher is very picky, document must have all these things   Sean has a new project for you to work on. In addition to digital games, the Harpe Gaming Store also sells board games. Sean is working on a page describing a few sample board games. He has created an XML document named games.xml that contains the description of two games, as well as scores the store has given the games on a 1 to 10 scale in seven categories. Sean also has an XML document named game_reviews.xml containing reviews written up in other gaming websites and an XML document named reviewers.xml that describes those websites.   Sean wants all of this information collected and displayed using a customized style sheet. He would like the style sheet to calculate the average score given to the selected board game and wants all numeric values and dates to be nicely formatted. Figure 6-46 shows a preview of the completed project.    1. Using your editor, open the gamestxt.xml and gamestxt.xsl .Enter your name and the date in the comment section of each file and save them as games.xml and games.xsl , respectively.   2. Go the games.xml file in your editor. Take some time to review the contents of the file and then link the games.xsl style sheet file to the file. Close the games.xml file, saving your changes.   3. View the contents of the game_reviews.xml and reviewers.xml file in your editor, taking note of the structure and content of each document. Close the files. You do not have to save any changes to these documents.    4. Sean also has created a library of functions you’ll use in this project. Open the hgfunctions.xsl file in your editor and study the contents. The document has two templates. One template matching the releaseDate element is used to convert date values from the mm/dd/yyyy format to the Month Day, Year format. The second template, named imageRow, is used to create a row of inline images. The imageRow template has two parameters: the imgFile parameter specifies the name of the image file, and the imgCount parameter specifies the number of images to be displayed. After studying the les, close the document. You don’t have to save any changes.   5. Go to the games.xsl file in your editor. Directly after the opening tag, use the include element to include the contents of the hgfunctions.xsl style sheet.   6. Directly after the include element, create the following global parameters and variables:   a. The gameID parameter with a default value of ‘bg210’. This parameter will be used to select different board games to display in the web page.   b. The currentGame variable containing the /games/game[@gid=$gameID] node set. This variable will be used to select the game to display in the report.   c. The externalReviews variable containing the /reviews/review[@gid=$gameID] node set from the game_reviews.xml file. ( Hint : Use the document() function.) This variable will be used to access customer reviews for the current game.   d. The externalReviewers variable containing the /reviewers node set from the reviewers.xml file. This variable will be used to access the list of reviewers for the report.   7. Go to the root template and make the following style changes so that the report displays information for the current game selected by the user:   a. Go to the     tag within the head section of the HTML file and change the node set for the   value-of   element to $currentGame/title in order to display the title of the current game.   b. Go to the gameSummary section and change the   select   attribute of the   apply-templates   element so that it applies the template for the   currentGame   variable.   8. Go to the game template and make the following style changes:   a. Locate the table cell in the List Price row that displays the value of the price element and format the price value so that it appears in the $ </article> </div> </div> <div class="action_block light_violet_bg discount_banner mar50-t mar30-t-tablet wow bounceInDown pad50-b" style="padding-top:50px;"> <div class="width w900px-max"> <div class="violet_gradient_bg violet_decor rounded20 pad20 pad10-tb-tablet pad20-tb-large"> <div class="flex flex-ai-center flex-jc-center flex-nowrap-tablet pad10-l pad30-l-tablet pad10-l-large"> <div class="flex-grow1 pad50-l mar50-l mar10-b mar0-b-tablet"> <h3 class="h3 mar5-b"><span class="text-white t20px text-semibold">«VPNEW»</span></h3> <p class="t14px text-white"> Unlock your academic potential with! Place your essay order today and experience top-notch writing services that guarantee academic success. 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