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Workforce development and planning case 3

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Workforce development and planning case 3 CASE 3 Specific Assignment Details  Analyze the information from the recruiting data and prepare a report showing the results of the analysis for your director.   1. Start by developing a strategic vision for recruitment at Tanglewood. First, it is important to specify the types of individuals that need to be recruited. Describe both the ideal types of individuals for Tanglewood based on person/job and person/organization fit factors. Also describe goals for the speed of the process, as well as the time frame over which recruiting will take place.  2. Evaluate the various methods of recruiting in terms of whether they seem more like “open” or “targeted” recruiting, using the information in the book to help you make this decision. If some methods seem more “targeted,” whom do you think they target? For each method, also describe the extent to which the individuals attracted by each method are likely to match the set of goals for recruitment you provided in response to the first question.  3. Evaluate the job and organizational characteristics that Tanglewood can offer to candidates. What are the reasons why an applicant might want to work at Tanglewood compared to the other jobs that might be available for similarly qualified individuals? Are there job and organization characteristics that might be less desirable? The question of realism in the recruitment policy has also been raised in focus groups, and some respondents are concerned that the positive features of the organization may not also describe some of the difficulties front-line retail employees face. Write one paragraph proposals for targeted, realistic, and branded recruiting messages for Tanglewood’s customer store associate positions that the company can consider. Conclude by outlining the traditional arguments for and against each recruiting message.   4. For each division use the data tables provided in Appendix B to estimate how each strategy fares in terms of metrics. Provide a one-page summary of the essential results of the various data tables you have been provided and what it means in practice.  5. Northern Oregon has suggested that the other divisions of the company use a policy of using kiosks and staffing agencies rather than using the more “touchy-feely” method of relying on referrals. Does this division have a point? What would the effect of other regions increasing their use of the more formal methods of hiring be?  6. Tanglewood’s top management is highly committed to improving customer service quality, and proposes that simply finding the cheapest way to hire is not sufficient. Besides costs and retention, what other measures of employee performance would be good “bottom line” metrics for the quality of a recruiting method? How might the managerial focus groups’ concerns fit with these alternative considerations? 


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