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We all have read about low carbohydrate, high protein, low cholesterol, and low fat diets.

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We all have read about low carbohydrate, high protein, low cholesterol, and low fat diets. We all have read about low carbohydrate, high protein, low cholesterol, and low fat diets. And we understand the importance of maintaining a well-balanced diet. Or do we? To understand the role of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and their importance in maintaining overall health, let’s discuss the molecular structure of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, and how their structures are related to their overall function.   Use own words. Use at least 2 scholarly sources. apa format. cited sources.   Reply to discussion question:   Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are essential macronutrients that play key roles in maintaining overall health. Carbohydrates, composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, often structured as monosaccharides, disaccharides, or polysaccharides, and serve as the body’s primary source of energy, with glucose being the most important monosaccharide for energy production.   Fats, or lipids, consisting of glycerol and fatty acids, are energy-dense molecules that provide insulation, cell structure, and serve as energy reserves; their saturated or unsaturated carbon chain structures affect their solidity at room temperature and their impact on health.   Proteins made of amino acids linked by peptide bonds, folding into complex three-dimensional structures that determine their function in processes such as enzyme catalysis, hormone signaling, and building cellular structures. Each of these macronutrients’ structures uniquely equips them to fulfill their roles, illustrating the principle that form follows function in biological systems.


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