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To view html | Computer Science homework help

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To view html | Computer Science homework help    1. (TCO 2) To view HTML in Visual Studio.NET, you would _______.  open the web page in Notepadopen the web page through the Solution Exploreropen the “Code” tab on the web pageright-click on the web page and left-click on “Open”open the “Source” tab on the web page   2. (TCO 2) The default appearance of the heading and body text is determined by _______.  the Visual Studio.NET settingsthe web.config settingsthe Cascading Style Sheet associated with the web pagethe code associated with the web pagethe browser   3. (TCO 2) How would you generate Style attributes?  Open the New Style dialog box and set the font propertiesOpen the web.config and set the “Style” property to the font and sizeOpen the Global.asax and set the “Style” property to the font and sizeOpen the Cascading Style Sheet Builder and set the font propertiesOpen the web page’s “Style” property and set the font properties   4. (TCO 2) The number of pixels between cells in a tables can be specified by what?  WidthColspanCellspacingRowspanCellpadding   5. (TCO 2) ____ allow users to select controls by keyboard shortcuts.  Alternative keysAlternative optionsAttributesFocus controlsAccess keys   6. (TCO 2) You can use the ________ to specify the maximum amount of characters that can be entered in a textbox.  Maxlength propertyWidth propertySize PropertyMaxSize propertySize setting in the database   7. (TCO 2) The CheckedChanged Event for a radio button occurs _________.  only when the radio option does not have a check markwhenever the radio option is checked or uncheckedonly when the radio button has focusonly when the radio option has a check markNone of the above   8. (TCO 2) The Rows and SelectionMode properties apply to _______.  all controlstextboxeslistboxesdropdown boxesradio controls   9. (TCO 2) The radio buttons represent a list of _______.  all options you selectmutually exclusive optionsany two or more options selectedany options selected which you can force the minimum amountall-inclusive options   10. (TCO 2) The ________ displays a text box and button for users to browse, select, and upload a file.  Text box controlUpload text box controlUpload file controlFile menuUpload menu  


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