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rhetorical statements     SENTENCE TASK INSTRUCTIONS   900 Words 20% of Final Mark   Assessment Overview   The purpose of this assessment is to engage in the critical reading and analysis process to demonstrate your understanding of how sentences vary rhetorically depending on their cultural context.   To do this, you will perform a rhetorical analysis on sentences from two cultural contexts of your choice. One of the cultural contexts must be your own. You need to choose two complete sentences from outside sources (one sentence from each source). Sources cannot be more than 10 years old, and you should choose a topic that you have not written on previously—either for other classes or in the HSC. Please note that a rhetorical analysis is different from a literary analysis, which you may be more familiar with. For this assignment, you should choose sentences from non-fiction sources such as newspapers, magazines, websites, speeches, media releases, published letters, etc.   “Cultural background” may be interpreted quite broadly. It could be your nationality, age demographic, religious background, political/social persuasion, or anything else that identifies you a person. The term “outside source” simply means something that you yourself have not written—i.e., sentences you have found from a published source. Examples of suitable topics might be sentences from media coverage of an event by news outlets in two different countries, responses to a social or political issue by two different religious groups, statements on laws or attitudes regarding parenthood or pet ownership in different countries, statements on sporting slogans or customs in two different cultures, descriptions of holiday celebrations or observances in two different countries, advertising slogans for the same product in different countries, medical advice on websites from different countries, music or film reviews from different countries, etc. The sentences can be as serious or lighthearted as you like, and the options are endless. The basic rules are that 1) you cannot be the author of the sentences, and 2) the two sentences should represent two entirely different cultures (however you are defining “culture”). The point is to analyse writing from two completely different contexts.   Have a look at the rhetorical triangle slide from lecture 1 which is posted on Blackboard for a handy diagram of what we mean by “rhetorical situation.” To compare the two sentences rhetorically, you should ask yourself:  Who wrote the sentences? Who was the intended audience? How are the authors using logos, pathos and ethos (appeals to logic, emotion, and their own credibility)? And how well do you think they got the point across? In other words, was the writing successful, and how do you know? How do the methods of each author differ based on cultural context? Why do you think this is so?       Your rhetorical analysis should include both description and analysis of the two sentences, including:   An analysis of the rhetorical situation for each sentence (review the rhetorical triangle from the Lecture 1 slides, as well as your readings) An analysis of the rhetorical devices and appeals in each sentence (review your readings for examples of rhetorical devices and appeals) An analysis of the style, method, and structure of each sentence (review your assigned textbook readings and LaunchPadSolo exercises for more on sentence structure)   You should conclude your analysis by reflecting on the process of conducting a rhetorical analysis. In this reflection, you should discuss the research process you engaged in to choose your sentences, and how/why you selected these particular sentences.   Assessment Criteria The sentence task assignment will be assessed according to the following criteria: Rhetorical analysis of the chosen sentences Evidence of reflection on the writing and research processes Clarity and correctness of writing, including grammar, punctuation, and referencing Following instructions, including formatting requirements and academic honesty principles   Formatting Requirements Include your name and SID at the top of the document Use 1.5 or double spacing and a standard font Include in-text citations as well as a Works Cited page of sources used Include translations for any sentences not in English Include word count, excluding the bibliography   File Requirements Must be a Word .doc or .docx file saved as SENTENCE_SURNAME_SID (eg: SENTENCE_SMITH_123456789.docx. NO PDFs, PLEASE!! Submit an electronic coversheet using the ‘Mark Reviewed’ button on the designated drop box in Turnitin and attach your file to the drop box: Sentence Task > Submission Drop Box   This assessment task corresponds with the following learning outcomes for this unit of study:   Exercise critical judgment and critical thinking to create new modes of understanding Be informed and open-minded about social, cultural, and linguistic diversity in Australia and the world; and; Use the writing process as a method for the ongoing development of oral, visual, and written communication skills.   It reflects the following graduate attributes, as specified by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences:   Ethical, Social and Professional Understanding. Graduates of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences will hold personal values and beliefs consistent with their role as responsible members of local, national, international and professional communities. They will: understand and practise the highest standards of ethical behaviour associated with their discipline or profession; appreciate their ethical responsibilities towards colleagues, research subjects, the wider community, and the environment; be aware that knowledge is not value-free.


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