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Quiz | Marketing homework help    Mass movement  Choose one:A.  happens only when the slope of a hill gets steeper than the angle of repose.B.  can’t happen underwater because the buoyancy force of water is too great.C.  is a gravity-driven downslope movement of natural materials.D.  is more likely to happen under dry conditions than under wet conditions.  Which of the following processes most logically explains the different tilts of gravestones in a hillside cemetery?  Choose one:A.  slumpB.  creepC.  mudflowD.  liquefaction Avalanches  Choose one:A.  are slow mass-movement events.B.  never happen twice in the same place; therefore, the pathway an avalanche creates is a safe place to build.C.  always contain snow and/or ice.D.  can be triggered by explosions, people, or even just new snow. Solifluction  Choose one:A.  is a kind of creep that is found in high-elevation regions or in the Arctic on slopes that are underlain by permafrost.B.  is the proper term for alternate expanding and contracting of swelling clays.C.  means that the level of the water table fluctuates with precipitation.D.  is a faster-than-usual kind of slump in wetlands. Identify the true statement.  Choose one:A.  The angle of repose is the steepest angle at which unconsolidated sediments can sit without slipping downhill.B.  The head scarp of a slump is found at the base of the slump block.C.  Lahars are mudflows that have been triggered by earthquake shaking.D.  Slow movement of unconsolidated material downslope is called a turbidity current. Which of the following is a suitable method of managing snow avalanches?  Choose one:A.  increasing the slope’s load by planting vegetation on the cornice of mountain slopesB.  expansive water drainage systemsC.  targeted, controlled explosionsD.  allowing skiers to use only avalanche chutes (regions where avalanches will not occur) Identify the true statement.  Choose one:A.  Weathering does not affect the stability of a slope.B.  Vegetation is heavy, and therefore deforesting an area can help keep slopes stable.C.  Forest fires followed by heavy rains are likely to result in severe mud and debris flows.D.  Saturating a slope with water tends to hold unconsolidated grains together and thus helps stabilize slopes. Consider the following eight phrases:  1. careful inventory and mapping to determine dangers2. weathering of minerals to produce clay3. controlled blasting of unstable slopes4. controlled water drainage5. retaining walls along highway embankments6. spraying shotcrete on road cuts7. removing support at the toe of the slope8. adding weight at the top of the slope  Which of these are factors that lead to mass movement?  Choose one:A.  choices 3 and 8 onlyB.  choices 2, 7, and 8C.  choices 1, 2, and 4D.  choices 2, 4, 7, and 8 Watch the Submarine Slide portion of the Slides topic of the animation. How can a submarine slide at the edge of a continental shelf create a tsunami?  Choose one or the upward displacement of the edge of the continental the sudden drop of the seafloor as the mass of material breaks off the continental pushing water being pushed into a bulge ahead of the advancing underwater debris the rebound of the continental shelf as mass is released from its the settling of the deep seafloor under the weight of the incoming mud quiz


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