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Presentation | Accounting homework help

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Presentation | Accounting homework help   For this assignment, you will be critiquing the written aspect of a presentation or tutorial you have recently given, attended, or viewed. You are welcome to locate a tutorial on a topic that interests you on YouTube if none of these situations applies to you recently. Pick a presentation or tutorial that includes both a verbal component and a written component in the form of bullet points, notes for the audience, prompts for the speaker, or something similar in style so that you have a written component to critique. Be sure to provide your professor with the link to the presentation/tutorial at the beginning of your assignment. After reviewing the presentation/tutorial, answer the following questions: Did this presentation/tutorial rely more heavily upon scholarly written communication or professional written communication, and what makes you say so? How was the written component incorporated into the presentation/tutorial, and was this effective for engaging the audience? Did you notice any editing, grammar, or formatting errors in the written communication? In your own tutorial for the Signature Assignment, what are some ideas you gained from critiquing this presentation/tutorial that you would like to use in your tutorial? What are some things that you will avoid in your tutorial based on your critique? In addition to answering the questions, develop a short list of best practices for incorporating written communication into presentations/tutorials and include that list at the end of your assignment. Be sure to do a bit of outside research on best practices so that you can cite and support the information you share here. Length: 2-3 pages References: 2-3 references in APA format (use in-text citations as well as a reference list at the end of your document).


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