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Plagiarism free in 10 hours or less PLEASE UPLOAD EACH ASSIGNMENT SEPARATELY Cybersecurity Part I Assignment As a nurse or healthcare professional, it is important to realize that cybersecurity is a real phenomenon in healthcare. The Internet of Things (I.o.T.) has grown over the years allowing many medical devices and consumer wearables to interconnect with hospital EHR. However, the current state of security in many medical devices allow hackers easy access to steal massive amounts of sensitive data from healthcare providers’ systems. If needed, review the week two Discussion video which includes security concerns (Todd Coleman on health tech tattoos). It is vital that health care stay ahead of the security curve at the cusp of an explosion of personal, wearable technology. Evaluate the need of securing the I.o.T. in Healthcare. Include the following aspects in the assignment: 1) Use the security assessment template created as part of DQ 1 2) Create recommendations on how to address each of the risks identified on the template 3) Place these risks at an Enterprise level (use prior lecture on Enterprise resources provided in the text, weekly readings, and article above) 4) Assess the risk from an individual, process, and technology standpoint. 5) This is not a formal paper and there is no minimum length. Each bullet must be thoroughly explored. 6) At all times, proper sentence structure, grammar, and spelling are required. Grammarly is a free tool to assist you. All references used must be placed. Cybersecurity Part II Assignment The final project for this course will be created each week. Each assignment will lead to a second assignment that adds to the PPT slide deck. In this manner, you create the final project as you progress through the course. This model provides for deeper learning and a more rigorous final project. Create PPT slides based upon assignment part I. 1) Include the following aspects in the assignment: 2) Construct 5 PPT slides to illustrate your content and tools from part 1 3) Add speakers notes as needed 4) Follow the rules of good PPT slide construction 5) Submit the slides for grading and feedback 6) File to slides to add to the final presentation


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