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One sentence thesis including three specific topics to be discussed, three corresponding topic sentences which will later be the first lines of your body paragraphs, and lastly a restatement of the original thesis.

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One sentence thesis including three specific topics to be discussed, three corresponding topic sentences which will later be the first lines of your body paragraphs, and lastly a restatement of the original thesis. One sentence thesis including three specific topics to be discussed, three corresponding topic sentences which will later be the first lines of your body paragraphs, and lastly a restatement of the original thesis.   Here are some general guidelines for essays you will write based on these outlines:   Essays in this class will be answered using a standard five-paragraph format. (Your eventual exam essay must be 1200 words when submitted)   Each MUST include the following:   A clear, one sentence thesis restating the question including the three specific elements to be discussed in your body paragraphs   Three body paragraphs, each beginning with a topic sentence reiterating one of the thesis elements.   At least four specific examples in each body paragraph defining and explaining other related ideas, terms, and/or facts supporting your thesis.   A conclusion restating your thesis.   Essay Question for the exam due Sunday: (Use this question to complete this outline/prep assignment)   In a well-organized five-paragraph essay discuss the ‘Early Republic’ period from 1783-18. In your essay, use as your thesis the distinct periods of: the struggles immediately after the revolution before the Constitutional Convention, through the formation of the first administration 1783-1797, (Unit-Module 5 and 6), The period of constitutional reform including the ratification debates between the Federalists and Anti-federalists, (Unit-Module 5 and 6) and lastly, the period covering the administrations from Adams to Monroe, 1797-1825, (Unit-Module 6)   For this assignment you must:   1. Use three categories for thesis elements from the above essay question. Write a simple, one sentence thesis statement including the three categories you will discuss in your body paragraphs.   (Ex. After the hardships of the American Revolution there were several important phases leading to the full development of the United states: I will discuss the period immediately following war and the formation of the first administration from 1783-1797, the long period of constitutional reform including the ratification debates between the Federalists and Anti-federalists, and lastly, the period including the administrations from Adams to Monroe, 1797-1825.)   2. Write a practice topic sentence for each of your thesis topics.   3. Choose and then list the four terms you would like to discuss as examples in each of your body paragraphs. (Terms that can be found in textbook and lecture presentation, and term list)   4. Rewrite, restate your original thesis.   The following is an example/template for what this outline assignment should look like. Replace the content below with the real essay question, and topic sentences of your own making etc.   For Example-   Your exam preparation assignment should look something like this: (except using real essay question found above)   Thesis   The period from 1914 to 1989 is marked by several important phases: WWI and Aftermath 1914-1929, Depression through the WWII 1929-1945, and lastly, The Cold War to the Fall of the Berlin Wall, which completes the transition to our own Post-Modern age.   Topic Sentence


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