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Liberty university educ 750 quiz 1

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Liberty university educ 750 quiz 1   Liberty University EDUC 750 QUIZ 1 3 out of 3 points Triangulation implies that viewing a situation from different perspectives will help the researcher gain a clearer picture of the educational situation being studied. 3 out of 3 points Which type of research attempts to answer the question “what is going on here?” 3 out of 3 points A researcher who is interested in studying bullying primarily because of his own childhood experience as a target of bullying is probably motivated by _____ reasons. 3 out of 3 points The _____ philosophy is closely linked to qualitative research approaches. 3 out of 3 points The increasing influence of interpretivist approaches on educational research is referred to as: 3 out of 3 points Which statement accurately summarizes findings from the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services study on the impact of the Early Head Start program? 3 out of 3 points Educational research relies on _____ thinking. 3 out of 3 points Ms. Lake has been teaching first grade for four years. Each year, she has found that many of her curly-haired students are shy. Therefore, she has concluded that all children with curly hair are shy. She is displaying an error of: 0 out of 3 points Our questions about various research topics are answered by educational theory. 3 out of 3 points Which aspect of a research proposal involves identifying human subjects’ issues? 3 out of 3 points Which one of the following characteristics is NOT a criterion for a good educational research question? 3 out of 3 points No Child Left Behind and the popularity of classroom-based research methods have raised awareness about the goal of : 3 out of 3 points An educational research question may be answered through the _____ of empirical data. 3 out of 3 points Qualitative researchers often employ a deductive reasoning process. 3 out of 3 points What do the authors recommend researchers do to avoid becoming overwhelmed by the task of formulating a research question? 3 out of 3 points When we consider whether or not the answer to a research question will make a difference for society we are addressing: 3 out of 3 points When assessing the validity of a study, it is important to: 3 out of 3 points The standard of confidentiality does not apply to information available in public records. 3 out of 3 points Diana Baumrind and Stanley Milgram agreed that obedience to authority could be studied in a laboratory setting. 3 out of 3 points Why did Amos Hatch reportedly feel guilty following his six-month study of social interactions in kindergarteners? 3 out of 3 points Assessing a study from the perspective of the subject(s) is central to research ethics. 3 out of 3 points In order for an experiment to be considered valid, the research methods must be kept confidential. 3 out of 3 points Minimizing possible harm to subjects and maximizing benefits are cornerstones of the ethical principle referred to as: 3 out of 3 points How many of Milgram’s 40 subjects shocked the Learner at the highest level (XXX)? 3 out of 3 points The primary focus of research ethics is:


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