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Gaap | Accounting homework help Assignment answer the following question: Under current GAAP, how much revenue should Construction Company, Boat Builder and BMW recognize in 2012 and 2013?   Accountants from Construction Company, Boat Builder Company and BMW are discussing revenue recognition. All are calendar year companies. A description of the production process of each company follows. Construction Company builds homes on lots it owns. It currently is building a home for Billy Bob (BB). The terms of the contract required BB to pay the entire $200,000 price of the home on the date the construction contract was signed (October 1, 2012). The advance payment protects BB from a forecasted increase in home prices. The contract promises BB that he can move into the house no later than 9 months from when he signs the contract (June 30, 2013). The total expected cost of completing the house is $150,000. If the house is not completed by June 30, 2013 Construction Company must pay BB a $1,500 penalty each week until he can move into the house.  Construction Company spends $20,000 to lay the foundation for the house in 2012. It completes the house for $2,000 under budget on July 1. Boat Builder Company currently is completing work on a boat that a customer contracted for on September 30, 2012 and expects to take delivery of on August 1, 2013. The $200,000 fixed price contract does not obligate the customer to pay Boat Builder until the boat is delivered and the title transfers to the customer. The boat is a basic design offered by Boat Builder. Customers individualize the basic boat by selecting custom trim, accessories and other finish details. Boat Builder typically fulfills specific customer orders rather than holding boats in inventory. If the customer cancels the contract prior to delivery, Boat Builder must be paid for any work completed up to that date. Boat Builder incurs initial design and selling costs of $10,000. Boat Builder’s actual and expected building costs are $150,000, which consists of raw materials of $50,000 and labor costs of $100,000. The raw materials are purchased on October 1, 2012. Raw materials are consumed and direct labor costs are incurred evenly over the construction period. BMW agrees to sell Joe Customer a new BMW 650i for $85,000 on December 4, 2012 through one of its company-owned dealerships. The cost to BMW to produce the car is $60,000. Because of the highly specified nature of the options requested by this customer, BMW must build the car from scratch, a process that will take 8 weeks. BMW anticipates delivering the vehicle on February 1, 2013.


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