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Describe your professional nursing goals. -Articulate your personal definition of nursing and the concept of career opportunities in this field. My professional nursing goal is a

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Describe your professional nursing goals. -Articulate your personal definition of nursing and the concept of career opportunities in this field. My professional nursing goal is a    -Describe your professional nursing goals. -Articulate your personal definition of nursing and the concept of career opportunities in this field. My professional nursing goal is a desire to pursue the Nurse Practitioner degree program at Azusa Pacific University, which will help me better serve my community.   This will give me greater independence and self-sufficiency as it applies to nursing. I am grateful for the provided curriculum, tools, and skills the academic program endowed me with. It is my belief that nursing is a privilege and a calling. I aspire to give selfless support and care with humility, compassion, and empathy. Therefore, I am eager to increase my knowledge and skills to achieve my purpose in life as a Nurse Practitioner. At APU, educational opportunities are bound for every student, including adult learners like me returning to school. As a student nurse at APU, I am positive that I will gain the knowledge, skills, and mentorship from a dedicated group of faculty members, with an outstanding reputation in educating healthcare providers. After reviewing the testimonies of graduates from the APU website, I have found without a doubt that at APU, I will be exposed to a unique learning experience in a stimulating community service-oriented environment.  It is my aspiration to further my education at APU, as I believe learning should be a continuous process. I also believe my personal qualities and the skills I possess will surely aid me in fulfilling your requirements and, with great anticipation, make me a prime candidate at Azusa Pacific University.


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