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Business management forum post responses

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Business management forum post responses I need a 150-word reply to each of the following two forum post that were made by my fellow classmates in a business management class:   Forum 1[1]   Several corporations embody the values of servant leadership.  Servant leadership is a philosophy that puts employees ahead of profits.  The philosophy has been proven to increase profits, increase employee retention and increase business operations altogether.  The corporation that I choose for this assignment is Starbucks.  Starbucks has created the largest coffee company in the world (Greenleaf, 2015).  Greenleaf states that from 1995 to 2003, Howard Behar served as the company president.  When Behar started with Starbucks, there were only 34 stores and there was very little focus on the importance of employee engagement (Greenleaf, 2015).  To shift the culture, Behar started asking employees what they liked about Starbucks and what they did not like.  Behar began with small interactions that eventually turned into a cultural transformation.  Among the list of values that Starbucks has on their website, the very first value relates to “Creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome” (“Starbucks Values,” n.d.).     When viewing the performance metrics for Starbucks over the last several years, it becomes apparent that Starbucks continues to improve each year financially.  In 2014, Starbucks operated 10,515 stores around the world and reported a same-store sales growth of 6% (Jhaveri, 2014).  Fast forward to 2016 and Starbucks has doubled their number of stores worldwide with over 22,000 stores.  In 2015, Starbucks reported revenues of 21.1bn and approximately 42% of the U.S. market share (Static, 2016).  Dunkin Donuts has a U.S. market share of 25.5% and in 2014 reported store sales growth of 1.4% and 5.5% sales growth (Dunkin Brands [DB], 2015). Dunkin Donut’s vision statement does not show the qualities of servant leadership.  Their vision statement says: “To be always the desired place for great coffee beverages and delicious complimentary donuts


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